There's about 8 hours between me and this pie. How will I ever get through it?
My blechiness
My friend John and I hardly ever agree about music. He thinks all the indie bands I like are worthless. I just received this email (subject line: "your blechiness") from him about that John Vanderslice video I put up:
"the video on your blog of that musician you like wouldn't play, so i looked him up on youtube. he is possibly the worst musician of all time --any planet, any species. Seriously, did you buy your taste in music at K-Mart? Did you hold onto the receipt? Maybe you can at least get store credit and get a nice ShamWow for your kitchen."
The only thing that really bothers me about this is the fact that I can't give him any grief for his musical tastes because it is all pretty classic. If only he liked Nickelback, then I could exact some revenge. But alas, I am defenseless. I like what I like and he doesn't. Nothing more to say. Except I really do want a ShamWow and anything else this guy wants to sell me:
Posted by
Laura Sue
2:23 PM
Ostentatious much?
So I feel a bit hypocritical when it comes to baby crap out on the market. On the one hand, I enjoy snarking over such necessities as baby cages and shopping cart seat covers. We are pretty minimal here. We don't have any baby DVDs, only 1 battery-operated noise-making bright plastic thing that spazzes out (which Adam confessed he was growing attached to), no big garish walker thingies or baby "gyms" that take up half the living room. Gus plays really well with whatever you give him (right now he is discovering a whisk), as all babies do, and he is developing just fine.
I don't want to be too precious about things, so is it psychotic for me to buy an $18 stainless steel sippy cup because I don't want him drinking out of plastic? How about an $8 set of bamboo baby utensils? Do I believe it is going to hurt Gus to use a plastic spoon? No, but I'd rather him use as many natural materials as possible. Adam and I don't eat with plastic utensils, nor do we drink out of plastic cups, generally speaking. Why should Gus? It's not outrageous for me to want him to handle a wooden object over a Polystyrene one, right?
Ah, the ridiculously decadent and privileged life of an American mother, writing a blog about what utensils to use for her darling 6-month old baby as she sits at home on a Tuesday afternoon at 2:00. I need to get out of the house.
Posted by
Laura Sue
1:54 PM
Looking forward
I'm really excited about John Vanderslice's next album coming out in May! I love this guy. And you probably will too. Check him out.
"Oh dressed like that, you are the flag of a dangerous nation." Fabulous!
Posted by
Laura Sue
1:51 PM
Could it be....
that I have been parting my hair on the wrong side all these years? Certain recent pictures make me wonder.
I'm considering doing something drastic to my hair. A 30-year old woman should not be rocking a ponytail every single day, no?
Posted by
Laura Sue
3:29 AM
Separated at birth, part II
"I AM serious, and don't call me Shirley."
Thanks to my cousin Libby, who noticed the hair similarity.
Posted by
Laura Sue
3:16 PM
Buttergus and his Aunt Anna
Adam's baby sister came for a visit, a much too brief visit. Here are some pics of her and The Gus. Shouldn't all babies have a young, hip Aunt who just loves them to pieces? We miss you already Anna!!
Posted by
Laura Sue
2:58 PM
Yeah, about that
Yesterday morning when I came home from work, I had a vision that came down from on high during my previous night at work. I relayed this to Adam the second I walked in the door, who dutifully opened Photoshop and spent 30 minutes of his life (that he'll never get back), creating the picture of Gus in the "Dahlia Daisy" wig from BabyBangs. So, you suckers who thought that was real and that I would spend $30 hard-earned dollars on a freakin' baby wig, consider yourselves PWNED. April Fool!
I love Adam.
I love my bald baby.
I love 3 AM blog inspiration. And Photoshop.
And I love you.
That is all.
Posted by
Laura Sue
10:26 PM
Seriously y'all
I know I make a lot of jokes about Gus's head and its striking lack of hair, but I don't think anyone really understands just how much it sincerely bothers me that he is bald. All my life I have fantasized about having a baby with a gorgeous head of hair, and although I love Gus dearly, sometimes I just don't know how to handle this handicap. Well, lucky for me, I stumbled across "Baby Bangs!", an internet company that sells baby wigs. Now, the website says these are "made just for girls!" but I take serious issue with that sort of blatant sexism and certainly did not let their misguided motto stop me from ordering "Baby Bangs" for my Angus. Just look at this picture of Gus perfected and tell me this was not worth $29.95 plus shipping!! Nevermind the look of utter disgust on his face. He just has to get used to it! And y'all, it even came "lightly fragranced" and "ready2wear" just like the ad said!
If you have a bald-headed baby in your life, the only remedy you need is at
Posted by
Laura Sue
9:29 AM
Posted by
Laura Sue
11:20 PM
Posted by
Laura Sue
11:16 PM
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. You made me feel completely loved as I reached such a ripe age. I am honestly excited about the 30's. Everything just seems to get better and better as I go!
However. I did feel a bit geriatric, getting unnaturally excited about my new KitchenAid mixer from Adam and the quilting supplies from Mom. Oh, and the apricot tree from Adam - now that my bowels are so old, I can really use an extra source of fiber I guess.
I have to hand it to my husband. He took me out for dinner and didn't bat an eye at the $10 cocktails. And then when we went shopping for sunglasses after dinner, my final birthday present, his specific instructions were for me to spend an irresponsible amount of money so I wouldn't feel too grown up. Love him!
Of course the most fabulous birthday present was my newborn nephew, Karr, who finally made it home this afternoon! Gus and I went over to Nick's for a visit tonight and just reveled in the beauty of his family. Life is so good!
Posted by
Laura Sue
10:29 PM