

Every year, nurses have to take a series of tests proving competency. These are a complete joke and a total waste of time. This is an actual question I was asked on one of the competency tests:

True or False?
The purpose of the Insulin Pump Policy is to define guidelines of care of the patient using an insulin pump.

Um. What does it say about me as a nurse that I can identify this question as being true? Absolutely nothing! All it says about me is that I can read on a basic level. This is the kind of crap that gives nursing a bad name. It's time to step it up a notch. Actually, several notches.

Of course I picked out the most insulting question as an example, but the rest really were not much better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It could be the policy for caring for the pump itself. Like maybe you have to submit 2 forms of ID to check it out, and then make sure you rewind it before you return it to the, er... no.