
CNN Hologram

Did anyone else roll their eyes at this? Adam and I found it so incredibly gimmicky and kind of stupid. Normally I think this kind of thing is pretty cool, but last night it just seemed utterly pointless.


Anonymous said...

I was surfing the Web last night and saw a video clip of this posted, and I thought it was the most interesting thing about last night. Of course, I am an admitted Star Trek fan.

Anonymous said...

I wish Wolf Blitzer would have explained onto what the holographic image was projected. Was it water vapor, like the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World? Was it a curved screen?

Anonymous said...

I really felt like they were somehow "cheating" a hologram. It just didn't look believable. It definitely seemed like they were stretching for something cool and super high tech. But, it was good for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was WAY cool. Maybe you have to be an old fogie like me to really appreciate it.

From my own wide-eyed vision of Princess Leia calling for Obie-wan to seeing a real hologram.

To cool.

20 years from now, if I'm still around, instead of reading your blog I'll be listening to your holoblog.

Anonymous said...

I think I found the answer to my own question about how the image was projected into the CNN studio:


So, Wolf was probably not looking at a 3-D projection in front of him.