
Everybody Breathe

What an amazing night! An emotional night! Witnessing an event like this is truly something. The scenes at Grant Park and Obama's late night speech - wow - I am just proud, happy, and relieved. Even if you were a McCain supporter, you cannot deny that something incredible has happened in America tonight.

And how happy will I be to watch Sarah Palin fade into oblivion! You betcha!


Anonymous said...

Hey, now let's deliver a different sort of speech....like "IT'S A BOY" or "IT'S A GIRL". I think this baby is watched about as much as the election. However, on this ending it will be happy for ALL!!!
And I'm sure Josh will be so happy if you delivered today! love you

Anonymous said...

Yes, go baby! Just be sure if you have a girl to not name her Sarah. Save that special name for your Mom's cat! Thinking of you today, AJ

Jill/ No B said...

Josh would indeed be happy if you delivered today, not to mention how happy you would be to get this show on the road. Hope to hear news of a new baby SOON!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, now that the Messiah, Lord Obama, has been given his rightful place in the world and the universe, it is safe for Baby Lornitzo to come out of the womb.

McBlaney said...

hahahhahahaa joey that's actually one of the funniest posts of yours i've ever read

Laura Sue said...

Mary don't encourage him!