
Sweet sweet Gus

I went to this great little coffee shop in Long Beach this morning in an old bank and met up with a friend back from my Woodlawn days. We were sitting there chatting and Gus, as usual, was all over the place. This adorable old couple sat down at a table near us. The woman pulled out her library book, and the man set up his Kindle and they were reading happily. They kept looking at Gus and smiling. Of course he was cheesing right back. But then he went right up to the old man and put his head on his leg and gave him the sweetest little love-pat you ever saw.

I love Gus.


Jill said...

I love Gus too

Elizabeth Marino said...

This is a sweet story. Can't wait to see him again this weekend.

anonymous said...

your blog is better than mine :(