
Hillbilly Entrepreneur

Wish you could see the sign to the right of his truck a little better. "Hot Fresh Boield P-Nuts" with the N orientated backwards. But all the other Ns were written correctly, so I don't know if he was trying to be cute or what. I so wish I had some cash on me at the time. Next time I pass his way, I'll be sure to have some on hand so I can stop and buy some, and maybe get some better pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore this roadside attraction, I have an unreasonable addiction to "bearled goober-peas" and wish there were such a hillbilly entreprenuer up in these parts up north, but it wouldn't last long, as it's minus six degrees here in Chicagoland at the moment...Sigh...Oh, to be in Dixie for February...Fondly, Uncle Booger