

It's a relatively new thing for me to have a decently stocked kitchen. So it's still a surprise when I am able to go whip up some cookies without a trip to the grocery store. Isn't this some sort of milestone of adulthood that I've reached? Anyone else pat yourself on the back when this happens?


McBlaney said...

i feel like in the same way i spent so many years waiting to get boobs, that i'm now waiting to get the urge to want to spend more than a bowl-of-cereal-making-second in the kitchen.

Nikki said...

I'm still waiting on it to happen here! ;) guess i better get on that!

manogirl said...

I know what you mean, a bit. I'm beginning to keep things I never would have before--buttermilk, for one, to whip up from-scratch pancakes--simply so I can cook what I want when I want. It's made cooking so much more fun.