
The REAL Mother Goose

Anyone remember the nursery rhyme that begins like so:

"Robin and Richard were two pretty men
They laid in bed til the clock struck ten."



Yeah, me neither. Who knew Mother Goose was so progressive?


nonni said...

where did you get this?

It's a great rhyme

John said...

Full text: (and let's not forget the 3 men in a tub!)

Robin and Richard
Were two pretty men;
They stayed in bed
Till the clock struck ten.
Then up starts Robin
And looks at the sky:
"Oh, brother Richard,
The sun's very high.
You go before
With the bottle and bag,
And I will come after
On little Jack nag*."

* a small horse

Laura Sue said...

Yes, the remainder of the poem could also be read in alternative manners. Bottle and bag of what?

John said...

A bottle of prescription painkillers for Grandma's arthritis and a bag of Bibles for C.C.D. class.

The Diceman would have had a field day with this one.
Suddenly I have the nearly subconscious urge for bourbon.

Erica said...

Oooh, sexy!

Erica said...

AAH! Even better! Read this nursery rhyme and then scroll down to the pics of Gus and Bram!

(no disrespect to your children...it is just super cute.)