
Poll Results

Only 2 of 15 respondents believe I am remiss in dressing my baby. Not bad. I'll keep rocking the white trash onesies in public, at least until he starts walking and needs shoes.


WonderGirl said...

Off topic, but I was reading your profile, and got to the part about Adam being a real, true Vermont Yankee boy BY DAY, and for one brief moment, I wondered, well what is he by NIGHT? Then I realized what you were saying.


Adam so crazy.

Ashley said...

I don't get it.

And on the onsies, I think fat babies are the cutest in onsies. And its hot here- keep him as cool as possible! Less is more here in the south.

Anonymous said...

Although I inadvertantly missed the voting deadline, I'd've surely gone with "a baby can wear ANYthing", but why stop at six months? How 'bout six years? How 'bout sixty years? Maybe not 'onesies' for adults, but ANYthing, like---mumus are very comfy, why NOT sport them outside with slippers? Or flipflops and a bathrobe? Oh, sure, there's time & a place for gettin' all gussied-up, but for just daily stuff? Bah. High fashion is WAY over-rated in my opinion, and pure comfort is under-appreciated...Now, if you'll give me a hand climbing down off of this soap box, I'll go find something more comfortable to slip into...

~Uncle Booger