
Hello, November 2nd

Only a few more hours until I know what it feels like to be overdue.


Jeni Rose said...

Girl, LOOKIT YOU! The hottest overdue mama I know by far.

It's about time to get this book, read to me by my mama when my sister was 17 days late (yes, you read that right - praying for you!!)... http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Come-Out-Fran-Manushkin/dp/1887734716/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1225682929&sr=8-1

Anonymous said...

You are both so cute!!! You have the "parent" look to you. Enjoy your "just the two of us" time; it's nearly over for the next 50 years! ): AJ

Anonymous said...

I was two weeks late, and I'm okay. Nico was a late baby too. Perhaps it's what makes us so fond of sleeping in.
You do, of course, look radiant.
(And I like the colors in your house!)

usafhockey said...

drive-by truckers and the hold steady tonight! be thinking of you!


Anonymous said...

you look GORGEOUS!