
Horrible horror of all horrific horribleness

A spider whose body was reported to be the size of a silver dollar was found in my patient's bed yesterday, WITH my patient. More specifically and horrifying, it was found crawling out from her undershirt. I got this information during report at shift change and thereby performed the involuntary/uncontrolled heebee jeebee dance in the middle of the hallway, basically unable to really comprehend or digest this information because my brain was trying to reject it. My sweet little 90 year old patient, unknowingly harboring a true terrorist under her fake silk old lady undershirt. I could cry just thinking about it. Lucky for her, she is not, shall we say, "with it" enough to process this information.

The only funny part is that the nurse who reported this to me kept insisting that the spider could have come into the hospital with the lady and her belongings. Like the spider had been hanging out in the bed for the past 4 days, totally committed to this lady, just waiting to be discharged home. Um, no and just, no.


Anonymous said...

yuck! bless the poor dear! but well, what if it were her pet?!

thanks for inviting me to read! it's great to hear what you're up to!!

lots of love!

Dianna said...

EWWW!! feelin the heebee jeebbee's here, too! How horrible! I can just see you, about like the time you got home with a car full of loose crawfish crawling all over the floorboard!! You do the dance well, my dear.

Kelly B. said...

YUCK!!!! That makes me want to die.

Anonymous said...

Four days in an old lady's undershirt, eh? Seems QUITE unlikely, but I'm certain stranger things have happened, perhaps even in Mississippi...Like, for instance, how 'bout those black neighbors of yours who dig Mexican mariachi musica? You just never know. Makes me want to go search my neighborhood for the round hole/square peg types, but first, hmm, I really need to scratch and dance and give my body a thorough spider check...~Uncle Booger