
4th book of '08

My intention to read 100 books this year is not going according to plan. I really need to pick up the pace. Or else I'm gonna have to start picking up a lot of really puny books!!

Finished "1984" by George Orwell a few days ago. Yep, it's still amazing and it still resonates! This is my 3rd time - once in high school, in college, and now in my late 20's. Each time, my reaction has been the same: horror at the thought that civilization could ever become this totally dystopic. I think Winston Smith has to be one of the most tragic figures in modern literature. You owe it to yourself to read this important and relevant book. If you read it in high school, read it again now. Terrifying. There is nothing I could possibly say about this book (or, let's face it, any book) that hasn't been said before a hundred times over. Just read it for cryin' out loud!

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