
Winter highlight

This winter has been bumming me out and putting me in some irritable states of mind. Just ask my poor husband. But he gets it. He also misses the cold frigid air of December in Colorado. The air that freezes your nose hairs immediately upon stepping outside. Which I only know because Adam tells me because of course girls, especially proper Southern girls, don't have nose hairs and couldn't experience such a thing.

Winter on the Mississippi coast is not very wintery. There are still roses and tomatoes growing, or there were until we had our first frost this past week. My nieces were confused apparently, wanting to go play in it.

So this wearing t-shirts and flip-flops on the way to get the Christmas tree, well it's just not doing it for me. It's put a damper on the holiday season. But our last trip to the grocery store revealed a reason to give thanks. One look at that display full of beautiful boxes of bright orange clementines perked me right up. The perfect fruit, here again for a glorious little while. So easy to peel. So juicy. So seedless. I love you clementine.

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