
Bye Bye TLC. I hardly knew ye.

We canceled our cable. Originally, we only got it hooked up for football season and election coverage. Well, you know how that goes. But lately Gus has seemed to actually notice when the TV is on. He will turn his head from whatever he is doing and look at the TV and listen. So it had to go. (Plus, you know it's bad when you start seeing reruns of "What Not to Wear" that you've already seen!)

I know I am going to miss it for a few days, but the pain will lessen over time. I can at least still watch Friday Night Lights on hulu.com!! That is all that really matters.


Anonymous said...

YEAH! Wish I could get rid of ours but what would Bob do?

Ashley said...

Oh, wow! Please, please, please tell me you will still be able to watch "The Hills" on the net.

Mississippi Girl said...

Hey Laura! Just found your blog. I am so impressed with you for getting rid of cable! We are getting rid of cable in less than 2 months, and I can not wait!