
Growing Pains

It was Adam's idea to have Gus sleep in his crib last night, for the first time. In a totally separate room. A whole 10 feet away. Boo hoo. I was a mess. I just stood over his crib and cried, thinking, very dramatically, about where the time has gone. Adam hugged me and ushered me out of the room, promising me I would hear him when he cried. I went to sleep clutching a burp rag, staring at the empty cradle next to my bed.

How will I EVAH handle the heartbreak of his first day at school? Surely this was an excessive response, and I will not react so grandly to every little milestone.

3 months of baby bliss led up to 30 minutes of utter devastation.

Not a terrible ratio, I suppose. Any mamas out there care to tell me I'm not ridiculous?


mistic_mommy said...

not ridiculous at all. micah (baby #3 for me) is 5mths old and still sleeps in the bed with me about 50% of the time cuz i'm just not able to let go yet

usafhockey said...

perfectly acceptable... just please dont be one of those mothers on 'supernanny' that have all her children in her bed and her poor husband never gets any... uh... peace ;)

miss you

ps- throw gus in a sling and bring him to manchester!

Anonymous said...

You are not ridiculous, sweetie. Just the first of many separation anxiety moments that you will experience in his life. And yes, you will be a wreck when he goes to school.

Julie said...

I cried when Austin moved out of our room at 16 months. I cried when we stopped nursing. I cried when I snuck in one more nursing session a few weeks ago :) Being a mama is the most rewarding job, but still so heartbreaking at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the mother with newborn octuplets and 6 at home under 7 will
have the same issue? Tell Adam he is a mean mean man.

Nancy Katzen said...

The real question is: Was Gus ready?

Laura Sue said...

Gus never knew the difference, as far as we could tell. I never would have been able to leave him in there if he was crying.

Lauren, you have no idea how badly we want to take Gus to Bonnaroo.

Anonymous said...

sniff, sniff...

sha baby. I am talking about you, ms. wolfe... I'm sure Gus is happy.

love to you three...