
Baby Voter Poll

Here's a new voter poll. Post your predictions as to boy, girl, time & weight.
The winner gets a prize!


Ashley said...

There are a lot of predictions here to get right-
I say boy, 8 lbs 12 oz., 19 inches long

mistic_mommy said...

boy 6:42pm (yeah i know it is still a while away, but it's your first baby) 8lbs 5ozs, 21 inches long

Anonymous said...

I've always said its a boy. Time of birth 12:30 pm, 8lbs. 4oz.; 19 in.

Anonymous said...

Girl, 8 lb, 3 oz (I wanted 4, but Amanda beat me to it!)

Go Team Pink! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Boy, 5:08 PM, 7lbs, 8oz - 19.5" long. :-)
I'm so happy for you both, I hope everything is going as well as can be!

McBlaney said...

boy, 8 lbs 1 oz, 2:45 pm! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Mary, did you have some personal insight??

McBlaney said...

hahaha, yes, it's called "hindsight" ;-)

i totally cheated at a baby guessing game-- who does that!?