
Birthday goodness

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!! Pre-birthday festivities included a sushi dinner with my dear husband on Monday night. Yesterday I went car shopping in Mobile, which did not result in the purchase of a car, sadly. Followed that up with a trip to the movies to see "Horton Hears a Who" with my nieces/nephew and Nick and Cristi. And then, dinner over at their house, which Nick in all his stealthness procured from some lady on the coast who runs an underground crab cake/stuffed shrimp ring out of her kitchen. Definitely not FDA approved. Definitely delicious. Then cake and ice cream followed by me falling fast asleep on my brother's couch in the middle of "Hell's Kitchen" on TV. Came back home and I was snuggled up in bed drifting off to sleep, again, by 9:15 while Adam gave me a birthday foot massage. A lovely, tame, G-rated birthday. Fun for the whole family. I imagine my wild and rowdy birthday celebrations are not totally a thing of the past, but probably much fewer in number from here on out.

Now, gentle reader, please feast your eyes on what will likely go down in history as the most awesome birthday card ever made. Please note the smiley face drawn into my belly and also the birthday snake. This immediately became one of my most cherished possessions. Poor Jesse didn't get a shout-out, so I'll have to keep it hidden from him forever to spare his feelings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom sent me individual cards signed by the girls for my birthday. I loved them! Yours was too cute. I love that picture of Merritt and you!